Hello everyone! I so enjoyed our last meeting and I am happy to announce our upcoming meeting! The focus, as you may have gathered from the title, will be dance! Question: What is your favorite kind of dance? Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Freestyle? Make sure to tell us during the meeting! Our guest speaker will be Shamila Khetarpal (Ms.Shamila)! Ms.Shamila has been teaching Bhangra and Bollywood dance in Chicago and Boston for over 25 years! In addition to instructing, she is currently a choreographer and community mentor for BollyX - The Bollywood Workout!
To learn more about her you can go to her bollyX profile https://bollyx.com/instructor/shamila-khetarpal/
You can also follow her on Instagram @shamilakhetarpal
And her Facebook page: BollyX with Shamila
Ms.Shamila will be teaching us a dance after answering a few questions. If you have any questions feel free to ask them during our Q and A session or send them to me in the chat on Zoom or by my Wix account. Our meeting will take place on July 24th at 2:00 pm EST. I hope to see you there! Here is the zoom link!: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79560494486?pwd=R2thbnJDbVQzTWVYNXAzbStxcGdFQT09